News Update: 97% of scientists confirm the climate has always changed and always will, sometimes faster and sometimes slower than today. Duh!

Greenhouse gas my ass! CO2 is our friend!

By John Ziraldo

Hi folks,

I am a grandfather of two wonderful boys for whom I want to do everything within my means to provide a decent future. I have been very worried about the Global Warming threat and I set out about two months ago to learn everything I could about it. I am now more worried about the impact the AGW alarmists are having on politicians and businesses. Climate Change seems minor compared to the threat of the alarmists to change our economy and way of life.

I wanted to complement you on your website and wish you all the best in being heard and getting this monster back in it's cage. Unfortunately, it appears to me that it is going to take more than a few decades of cooling temperatures to undo the damage caused so far by Gore, Hansen, the UN, and even David Suzuki in Canada.

FYI, in order to draw some attention on this subject within my list of contacts, and hopefully influence a few people at a time, I made up this image and put it on a t-shirt. I thought it went well with your site name.

John Ziraldo
Richmond Hill, ON

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